Well, I am sure this will be a hot topic but I have finally received my permit to carry a handgun a couple months ago. During the class and with my experience so far, most people are grossly misinformed about what this means.
1. Allowing people to take a gun safety class about how to carry a gun, the responsibilities of carrying a handgun, the laws relating too and implications of using your gun and then having to pass an extensive background check by the government will not lead to more violent crime. Criminals will just go ahead and get a handgun to commit their crime without taking the class and doing a background check. The only people this law effects are law abiding citizens that have an exemplary background. During this background check, if an applicant has ever even mentioned something to a police officer and it went into a report it will be reviewed and possibly be grounds for denial of your application.
2. During the class an applicant will learn that they cannot go out and be vigilanti of crime. The only time a permit holder can use his/her gun would be when they are in danger of "great bodily harm or death". There is one important step that a person must do before they can legally protect themselves with a gun. The law states that a person in danger must first try to remove themselves from the situation. If someone uses their gun in self defense when there was an exit strategy, that person will be facing murder charges. Also worth mentioning is the civil responsibilities. In most cases there will be a civil lawsuit whether the gun was used legally or not. All gun permit holders must be planning on $20,000 in attorney fees or more during the aftermath. Of course, there is the most difficult thing of all if a permit holder decides to use their gun - living with the memory of killing another human being.
1. Allowing people to take a gun safety class about how to carry a gun, the responsibilities of carrying a handgun, the laws relating too and implications of using your gun and then having to pass an extensive background check by the government will not lead to more violent crime. Criminals will just go ahead and get a handgun to commit their crime without taking the class and doing a background check. The only people this law effects are law abiding citizens that have an exemplary background. During this background check, if an applicant has ever even mentioned something to a police officer and it went into a report it will be reviewed and possibly be grounds for denial of your application.
2. During the class an applicant will learn that they cannot go out and be vigilanti of crime. The only time a permit holder can use his/her gun would be when they are in danger of "great bodily harm or death". There is one important step that a person must do before they can legally protect themselves with a gun. The law states that a person in danger must first try to remove themselves from the situation. If someone uses their gun in self defense when there was an exit strategy, that person will be facing murder charges. Also worth mentioning is the civil responsibilities. In most cases there will be a civil lawsuit whether the gun was used legally or not. All gun permit holders must be planning on $20,000 in attorney fees or more during the aftermath. Of course, there is the most difficult thing of all if a permit holder decides to use their gun - living with the memory of killing another human being.
These things alone will prevent a rise in gun deaths among many others.
I also don't understand the companies who decide to post a sign in the window not allowing guns on their premises. Do they think this will stop a criminal from coming in to their establishment and robbing them? I would be surprised if these signs alone are not a reason for an increase in crime. If I were thinking of robbing a joint, I would be sure to go to a place not allowing handguns there!
Two problems with the signs:
1. You will normally never realize if someone is a gun permit holder and carrying a gun. Gun permit holders will keep their guns concealed so that someone doesn't call the cops on them every time they go out and to maintain the element of surprise if it is needed. By the way, the fine for carrying a gun into an establishment is a misdemeanor which gets you a ticket which is cheaper then a parking violation.
2. Permit holders have been through a gun safety class and extensive background check. They are safest of all customers to have in an establishment. Don't forget the above law - in most cases, it would be smartest to let a robbery go down at an establishment due to the 'exit law'. A smart permit holder would only use his gun if he was in dire straights because of the difficulties it would cause in the future.
I also don't understand the companies who decide to post a sign in the window not allowing guns on their premises. Do they think this will stop a criminal from coming in to their establishment and robbing them? I would be surprised if these signs alone are not a reason for an increase in crime. If I were thinking of robbing a joint, I would be sure to go to a place not allowing handguns there!
Two problems with the signs:
1. You will normally never realize if someone is a gun permit holder and carrying a gun. Gun permit holders will keep their guns concealed so that someone doesn't call the cops on them every time they go out and to maintain the element of surprise if it is needed. By the way, the fine for carrying a gun into an establishment is a misdemeanor which gets you a ticket which is cheaper then a parking violation.
2. Permit holders have been through a gun safety class and extensive background check. They are safest of all customers to have in an establishment. Don't forget the above law - in most cases, it would be smartest to let a robbery go down at an establishment due to the 'exit law'. A smart permit holder would only use his gun if he was in dire straights because of the difficulties it would cause in the future.
There plently of crooks and murderous fools roaming the streets, clubs, shopping malls etc. with they gunz in they pockets. I agree when a person thinks that adding a few more people with they own gunz in they pockets too shouldn't make anyone any less safe then they allready is, you know. If anything, like I think you had been saying, it ought to be makin the world a lil' more safe, if not anything else.
ReplyDeleteWith regards to the stores that post those "NO GUNS BEYOND THIS POINT" signs I think they is either on some kind of political agenda or perhaps they is just scared for one reason or another. Who knows, if what you said is right and the fine is so small and insignificant for brining a weapon that is liscensed for conceal & carry into one of those zones than who cares about the signs? I personally believe though, that if a person is carrying their gun into that zone it would make the possession of said weapon an illegal activity. Thus, just imagine the world of cow dung the said "fool" would be in if they had unholstered or maybe even had to pop off a cap or two (fire a few rounds)!
Keep in mind: the court houses I've seen and some other Government buildings have these sings posted on their entrances as well.
My QUESTION 4 U: Are you telling me that if a permit holder brought their liscensed weapon into a courthouse that was posting this "no weapons in here" sign and they were caught and they would only be facing that criminal charge you mentioned with a fine smaller than a "parking ticket"?
Peace Bro. Keep up the good posts!
you can view my own blog at: http://www.mujahid4life.blogspot.com
I don't see any point of getting one of these carrying permits then
ReplyDeleteFarooq - You don't see the point in getting a permit because what? There are several different points which you could be referring to, please elaborate.