Saturday, August 30, 2008

McCain's VP vs. Obama

I don't understand why McCain would choose such a new and inexperienced politician when he would be using Obama's inexperience against him in the election.... but read about who he choose as his VP.

Besides, Obama has 10 years of political experience (Hillary and John Edwards had six). He has been a state senator and US senator. Keep in mind his degree from Columbia is Political Science with emphasis on international relations. While a US Senator he served on three of the four foreign relations committees and served on several subcommittees involving specific countries.

What Obama recently said during his acceptance speech pretty much sums it all up - "We may not agree on abortion, but surely we can agree on reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies in this country," He mentioned similar statements about gay marriage and gun control.

Although I may not agree on all of Obama's views, I think the most important thing for our country is to earn our respect back. We can only do that with an intelligent, well spoken president. McCain won't ramble quite like Bush but he doesn't even know what countries border Iraq or how many houses he owns.

It take a congress to pass new laws, we can vote Obama in and pressure congress for the things we don't want Obama to change.


  1. In relation to your title, McCain vs. Obama, if the two are gonna fight then grandpa McCaine better remember to bring his 'walker' and skinny lil' Barak better have his big ol'wife fill in!




  2. Hi It's MOM. Great idea to have your own blog spot! I looked are your slide show. I liked the picture of the raccoon and photo #60 of 71, a picture of YOU. I have been thinking about my dad a lot these days (it will be two years this November that he died) and it touches my heart to read about him in your blog. I miss him sooooo very much. Daryl and I are going to go to Hackensack tomorrow to Pleasant Pines Resort where my dad vacationed with us (his kids, wife, Caryl and Larry, my mother's sister and husband, and their kids, my cousins) and leave some of his ashes there. I remember the time my Grandma and Grandpa were with us at Pleasant Pines.
